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Definition of Investment

Investment refers to the allocation of resources, typically money, with the intention of generating future returns or benefits.

It involves committing funds into assets, projects, or ventures in anticipation of capital gain, appreciation, income, or achieving specific financial goals over a certain period.

What is Investment?

An investment is an act of purchasing or putting money into assets such as businesses, stocks, bonds or real estate, aiming to increase wealth over time.

It signifies a deliberate commitment of capital with the expectation of obtaining financial gains, which could arise from dividends, interest, rental income, or capital appreciation.

Types of Investment

Investment categories include stocks, where ownership in a company is acquired; bonds, which represent loans to governments or corporations; real estate, involving property ownership for rental income or capital growth; and mutual funds, enabling diversification across various assets.

In addition, alternative investments like commodities, cryptocurrencies, and private equity offer different risk and return profiles.

What are examples of Investment?

Investing $10,000 in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds, managed by a financial advisor, is an example of investment. Over time, the value of the portfolio may increase due to stock price appreciation and interest income from bonds.

This investment could provide potential growth and income, helping the investor achieve long-term financial goals such as retirement or education funding.

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